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Get involved in your Community!

We need your help! Events as large as these are a lot of fun and a lot of work. If you want to be involved in your community and several events like these, please complete the form below.
Thank you in advance, we appreciate your efforts to get involved and help our team make our Signature Events GREAT!Click here to provide your contact information and availability for several exciting events in the Greater Ontario region of Southern California.

Volunteer Services Program

The golden rule to volunteering is that if you commit to something. do it! Your ability to fulfill a commitment doesn't just reflect on you, it also reflects upon the organization you are volunteering for. Great volunteers remain professional in all situations.

Treating others with fairness, equality, dignity and respect; Raising concerns about possible wrongdoing witnessed by the volunteer in the course of the volunteer's role with GOCAL events.

2025 GoCal Events Volunteer Application

General Information

Emergency Contact

First, Last Name
I agree to the terms and conditions


California Sports Hall of Fame
Please Check All That Apply
Go Cal Events
Please Select All That Apply

Shift Preference

Shifts Please select the shift you are interested in.

About the Volunteer

Can you lift 50 pounds or more?
Can you walk a mile or more?
Have you volunteered before?
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