Policy / Code of Conduct

Policies: Help us create a safe and friendly environment for all guests at Route 66 Cruising Reunion!

We expect all who enter the event grounds and the surrounding areas to adhere to this Code of Conduct. Failure to follow this Code may result in denial of entry, ejection and/or arrest.

Guest Code of Conduct

The following actions are violations of the guest Code of Conduct:

  • Guests shall be respectful to all other guests, participants, event officials, entertainers, city and private property.
  • Guests shall not willfully or maliciously disturb any other guests, participants, event officials, or entertainer’s enjoyment during the event.
  • • Possessing open containers of any alcoholic beverages, except in areas specifically designated for the consumption of alcohol, is strictly prohibited. Guests who drink alcoholic beverages shall do so in a responsible manner.

  • Illegal drug possession and/or use will not be tolerated.
  • Guests shall refrain from using offensive language, making obscene gestures, wearing obscene or indecent clothing, throwing projectiles of any kind and possessing prohibited items.
  • Guests shall refrain from displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting.
  • Guests shall comply with the direction and instructions of event officials.
  • • Guests are responsible for their own good time by immediately reporting inappropriate behavior to the nearest event official.

  • Guests shall not sell products or services without a permit to do so at the event.
  • Operating unauthorized recreational and/ or personal transportation devices (such as bicycles, skate boards, golf carts, go-peds, scooters or motorized carts), except by persons with a mobility disability, is not permitted within the event boundary.
  • • Fighting, using physical force, verbal threats or intimidation, obscene language, profanity or gestures, racial, religious or ethnic slurs, sexually explicit language or conduct is strictly prohibited.

  • Possession or carrying of firearms or weapons of any kind, openly or concealed, with or without a permit, is prohibited.
  • Discarding litter anywhere, except in designated trash receptacles, is prohibited.
  • Defacing, damaging or destroying any real or personal property belonging to guests, participants, event officials, entertainers, city or private property is prohibited.
  • • All dogs must be on a leash during the event (O.M.C. Section 6-1.213). All animals must be on a leash and any belligerent/hostile animals must be removed immediately from the event upon request.

    • Guests shall refrain from any other conduct deemed by Event Officials to be inappropriate to the peace and good order of events or which may adversely affect the safety of persons or any property.

    Prohibited Items and Activities: Weapons of any kind, fireworks, smoke devices, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, etc.), golf carts, Segways, skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, hover boards and other non-licensed motorized vehicles are not permitted to be operated. This is not intended to prohibit any guest with a disability from utilizing a motorized scooter or wheelchair as may be necessary for such guest.

  • Aerosol cans
  • Open alcoholic beverages
  • • Leaflets and stickers can't be distributed during the event

  • Colors, patches, vest, logos, hats or any apparel with gang affiliations are not allowed to be displayed
  • Sound amplifying devices (O.M.C. Section 5-29.13)
  • • Confetti or smoke producing products • Poles and sticks to display flags, banners, signs, etc.

    • Barbecues

    • Camping tents and overnight camping are not permitted.

    • Weapons of any kind (i.e. pepper spray, tear gas, handcuffs, stun guns, explosives, brass knuckles, sticks, clubs, batons, martial arts instruments, knives, etc.)

    • Any other item deemed inappropriate or dangerous by the venue in its sole discretion

  • This list is subject to change at any time by event officials. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Ensure the health and safety of animals in your care
  • • Respect the environment in which you are walking. Clean up after your pet.

    Participant Parking: All vehicles must park in a designated space not blocking or impeding any service streets, sidewalks or rights of travel pathways. All official barriers, fences, and dividers must be observed and may not be moved. Altering traffic dividers is prohibited. Participant vehicles must display event registration placard upon entry and throughout event. No space saving is allowed at any time, all spaces are at a first come first serve basis.

    Gone Cruising: Participants are encouraged to display assigned “Gone Cruising Signs” while away from their parked location.

    Alcohol Consumption: Consumption of alcohol outside of designated event locations will not be tolerated and any Guest/Participant who do not comply will result in revoked registration and participation.

    Amplified Sound: Portable public address systems, large portable radios, and sound systems inside vehicles cannot be used at excessive volume levels or play music not suitable for a public setting (i.e. profanity in lyrics) as determined by law enforcement or event personnel. Modified exhaust and reeving of vehicles are not permitted while parked or cruising strip. Legally protected speech is only permitted in designated areas and must conform to all other Code of Conduct Guidelines

    Commercial and Political Activity: The sale of goods or services, advertising the display of commercial or political signage on vehicles, fences, frames or poles is not permitted. Vehicles with exterior advertising can be stopped from entering even with a valid registration pass. The placement of flyers or brochures on vehicles is prohibited. No political messaging of any kind is permitted regardless of political affiliation or position.

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